2023 Xen Media Performance Evaluation

Thank you all for your hard work in 2023. As we end the year, we are planning to conduct a performance evaluation for 2023. For each question, please choose the appropriate scale from 1 to 5 and write down the description for each question.

Score Rating Description
5 Role Model Performance consistently goes above and beyond expectations. Others have recognized them for their significant and valued contributions. Produces high-impact results and exhibits behaviors and attitudes that set a good example for others.
4 Exceeds Most or all objectives and expectations are consistently exceeded. Exceeds expected results while demonstrating behaviors beyond expectations
3 Effective Effective performance in the role, meeting most or all objectives and expectations. Produces effective results, working efficiently while demonstrating behaviors aligned with organizational expectations and values.
2 Needs Development The employee may have met some objectives but has not consistently met all performance objectives. To perform effectively in the role, employees must develop and improve their skills, knowledge, and behavior.
1 Unsatisfactory Some performance objectives may be met, but overall performance expectations are not met. Immediate action is required to improve performance or behavior.